Rivers & Rain Flooding

Details of the options considered to manage river (fluvial) and surface water (pluvial) flood risk are explained in the Flood Risk Strategy Summary document (2016).

Velda Close Flood Defence Scheme

Properties in Velda Close and Aldwyck Way were at very significant risk of further flooding, following a number of incidents. The most serious occurred in 2015 and 2019 when 20+ homes flooded up to 600mm deep. Construction of a new floodwall and pumping station was completed in summer 2021, significantly reducing the risk of flooding occurring in the future.

The main source of flood risk is from the Kirkley Stream which draws surface water from much of this area of Lowestoft. The new sheet-piled floodwall has effectively raised the banks to reduce the risk of water overtopping. However, in order to ensure the existing surface water drains into the stream, even during storm events, a pumping station has been constructed behind the wall and a new outfall placed on the bank. Anglian Water now maintain the pump station and Suffolk County Council maintain the flood wall.

Property Level Resilience

123 properties at risk from surface water flooding but not protected by a community defence, such as alongside Kirkley Stream, have been provided with Property Level Resilience measures. The measures include flood doors, non-return valves in external pipe work and self-sealing airbrick covers, designed to reduce the risk of water entering the property. We have prioritised systems which work without active intervention by the homeowner, such as flood doors which are watertight when closed normally without the need to fit an additional barrier or tighten brackets. This ensures that homes are resilient to flooding that may occur without warning or when residents are away.